Archiarchy Artabana Context
Artabana is a global network of small self-governing health-support groups. We meet regularly as local health clubs with 5-20 members of all ages, creating trust, and sharing clarity, possibility, and love to maximize our physical, mental, emotional, energetic and archetypal health. We benevolently pool finances for medical emergencies.
Each Artabana Circle is unique.
The uniqueness of Archiarchy Artabana is defined as a specific Context.
A Context is the set of Distinctions, Thoughtmaps, Tools, Thoughtware, and Processes out of which a Gameworld emerges.
Archiarchy Artabana is a collaborative, Winning-Happening, Gaian Gameworld for Healing and Transformation – part of the global Artabana Gameworld.
Our aim is to support each Archiarchy Artabana member on their Path of preparing to jack-in to their Archetypal Lineage, and then to deliver their services to the village.
The Context of Archiarchy Artabana is Radical Responsibility, which is centered on Authentic Adulthood Initiatory Processes and 3 Phase Healing, and includes Rapid Learning Thoughtware from Possibility Management such as:
- the distinction between Low Drama and High Drama
- the distinction between unconscious and conscious Gremlin
- the distinction between Feelings and Emotions
- the distinction between Verbal and Experiential Reality
- the distinction between Defensive Learning and Expansive Learning
- and etc.
We use Torus Meeting Technologies (such as Wisdom Counsel, The Frying Pan, The Wok, Poop On The Table, and The Purple Card as our decision-making, conflict-resolution, and solution-generating engine.
The Bright Principles of Archiarchy Artabana are Love, Clarity, and Possibility.
Artabana is a federation of small groups of like-minded people who plan and save for their healthcare, and share a pooled emergency fund.
The members Share the Risk of Provisioning.
The strength of Artabana is that people take responsibility for the health of themselves and others via a peer-governed small-group health-cooperative. Artabana is based on a commitment to take personal responsibility for our own health-care needs.
The three foundations of mutual support in Artabana community are:
- Commitment
- Solidarity
- Radical Responsibility
Contrasting with the profit-making regular insurance industry, Artabana helps to build a strong community by fostering care, generosity and accountability.
Taking self-responsibility and being proactive about our own health, also building community trust, are strategies that actually lead to improved health and well-being of the members to the point of reducing overall health costs.
Artabana's aim is to promote variety with respect to approaches for treating disease and illness.Accordingly, we support both alternative and conventional medicine approaches, plus proactive attention to care of well-being.HISTORY
Artabana began in 1987 in Switzerland, becoming popular in Anthroposophical and Rudolf Steiner communities.
The system spread rapidly through Germany.
In Australia there is great interest in Artabana to pay for medical services that are not covered by Medicare.
In 2016 the founding group in Hobart, Tasmania, began to work.
Archiarchy Artabana originated 25 December 2020 in Portugal with the founding members: Vera Luisa Franco, Sophia-Magdalena Hofmann, Anne-Chloé Destremau, and Clinton Callahan.
Artabana consists of small local groups, that form a national network and federate transnationally.
About 5 to 10 people - the ideal group size - Ritualize Togetherness. They meet monthly, join in social activities together and build trust.
There is no system or method for successful application for membership in Archiarchy Artabana, as it takes time to establish if each individual is the right fit for this particular Artabana Circle. The Teams Sets Semi-Permeable Boundaries. If a group grows to more than fifteen members, the Team will split in two, copy what is needed, and establish a new Artabana group. (Emulate & Then Federate).
Each member determines their own contribution rate based on their estimated personal yearly health budget, they Contribute Freely.
Contributions vary from one person to another according to health needs and individual means, although the group has decided on a minimum payment such as €100 per month, to Practice Gentle Reciprocity.
However, in Germany, there have also been group members who did not pay any contribution because they couldn't. Something that would be hardly possible in a public or private health care fund.
Member contributions received by the group are split 70:30, with 30% banked in an Emergency Fund.
The 70% portion of a member’s monthly contribution accumulates in their General Fund and is available to her/him for spending at any time on health and well-being according to personal choice. This may include medical consultations, procedures, massage, wheelchair, dental work, spectacles and so on. A list of acceptable expenses has been established.
In Artabana, healthcare is interpreted quite broadly and the funds may be used for more preventative health strategies, even as diverse as visiting a retreat or buying a piano, if this is deemed important for health. Members Trust Situated Knowing and Respect Human Dimensions.
Withdrawals are made through the treasurer by showing receipts.
Artabana enacts core Dimensions of Commoning.Artabana's philosophy and practice is an example of how a transnational network can enact all social patterns of commoning:
Each Artabana group has a standard framework but sometimes with local differences. Documents and official procedures such as the Contribution Promise are usually adopted from the core organisation. A solicitor wrote up statutes for the Tasmanian group, and new Australian groups can probably start with the same documents while obtaining specific legal advice to adapt for different states. Groups are incorporated organisations managed by voluntary positions including president, secretary and treasurer. Each group administers its own accounts and may be audited. (A member of the Hobart group has developed software for this.) New member applications and emergency claims are decided at a local group meeting, for example by consensus. Generally an annual membership fee of $50 is collected to cover the cost of paperwork, website and so on. Artabana is not a tax-deductible health fund and it is not regarded as health insurance by Medicare.
If any group member suffers a health emergency costing more than remains in the patient’s own General Fund, then they may receive financial assistance drawn from
- the local group’s Emergency Fund comprising the pooled 30% of members’ contributions - sometimes private donations (gifts) from other members of the group - financial support from other Artabana groups.
- Keep Commons & Commerce Distinct
- Declare Shared Purpose & Values
- Assure Commoners' Consent in Decisionmaking
- Relationalize Property
- Honor Transparency in a Sphere of Trust. Invoices from physicians, practitioners, hospitals and related providers are accessible to all members for review, ensuring responsible use of healthcare services. Financial arrangements with health care service providers are entered into both on the basis of industry fee schedules and without relation to such schedules, as permitted by applicable law.
- Finance Commons Provisioning. members individually make regular or one-time binding contributions by way of gifting in amounts reflecting their own priorities, the significance they attach to health and the means and resources available to them. Gifts go to the direct benefit of those in need, or are deposited to the society's solidarity fund.
Members are free to structure financial arrangements with healthcare practitioners or practices at their own discretion.- Self-Monitor & Apply Graduated Sanctions
How does Provisioning through commons occur?
There is no need for group approval of General Fund withdrawals, only for the Emergency Fund.
- Honor Care & Decommodified Work. Assistance is not only monetary but also in the form of visits, transport and other support. These are groups whose members have come to really care about each other. Contrasting with conventional insurance, claimants tend to be respectfully modest in accepting help and they genuinely try to keep their claims to a minimum.
- Pool & Share
- Pool, Cap & Divide up
- Pool, Cap & Mutualize
- Trade with Price-Sovereignty
- Use Convivial Tools
- Rely on Distributed Structures
- Produce Cosmo-Locally
- Creatively Adapt & Renew
Archiarchy Artabana groups differ from traditional Artabana groups in these ways:
- Archiarchy groups use the Archiarchal context of Radical Responsibility.
- Archiarchy groups use upgraded Archiarchal thoughtware from Possibility Management.
- Archiarchy groups use Torus Technology processes for navigating circular meetings, governance, and decision making.
- Archiarchy groups use The Purple Card and Conscious Feelings for Emotional Healing Processes.
- Archiarchy groups are centered on Transformation from authentic Adulthood Initiatory processes.
- Archiarchy groups use distinctions, processes, and resources from Archiarchal healing modalities such as 3 Phase Healing, Feelings Practitioners, Dark Matter Therapy, and the Worthing Healers.
Before approaching any Archiarchy-contexted Artabana group, it would perhaps be wise for you to investigate these significant differences, and seriously investigate if taking radical responsibility for your health matches your degree of transformational discipline.Artabana Centers
Artabana Information Platforms
Artabana Australia Open Facebook Group
Archiarchy Artabana Experiments
No one can experiment for you.
On the other hand, no one can stop you from experimenting.
Diagram The Archiarchy Artabana Gameworld
Matrix Code ARCHARTA.01
Study the overall Artabana gameworld structure as described in the resource links given above. Ask yourself, "What are the Rules Of Engagement? How does someone enter and exit the Artabana gameworld? How is the Artabana gameworld played? What is its purpose? How does a participant in the Artabana gameworld get what he or she needs? How does an Artabana participant contribute to their own health and the health of others?"
Compare and contrast the Artabana Gameworld with modern culture's profit-oriented health-insurance gameworld, and modern culture's social services and 'Medicare' services.
Diagram the Artabana gameworld as clearly as you can in your Beep! Book. After you have 5 pages of notes or more in your Beep! Book, make an appointment to do the Experiment of explaining how the Artabana gameworld works to a friend or colleague of yours. After answering their questions as best your can using your diagram and notes, please register Matrix Code ARCHARTA.01 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
Write An Article About The Differences Between Archiarchal Culture and Modern Culture's Capitalist Patriarchal Empire
Matrix Code ARCHARTA.02
What you can distinguish, you are aware of.
Between a Distinction and everything else is an edge.
Choose any Distinction.
Go to the edge of that Distinction, and stand there. A new domain will open up before you that did not exist before.
Transformation happens at the edges of awareness.
Don't point to the new domain.
Don't explain the new domain.
Commit to the new domain.
Stand on the edge of the new domain and experience the differences between the new domain and all other domains.
Then use words as a bridge to share what you experientially discover.
This is your article.
Publish your article.
The Write Your Article website suggests platforms on which to publish your article online, even if it is your first article.
After publishing your article online, please register Matrix Code ARCHARTA.02 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
Give A WorkTalk From The Archiarchal Context
Matrix Code ARCHARTA.03
The best way to learn something is to explain it to others.
Choose one aspect of Archiarchy to explore at your WorkTalk.
Talk for ten to fifteen minutes, then ask for questions and let Archiarchy answer through you.
You be the space through which Archiarchy speaks to the people.
Then do a short practice exercise in pairs or groups of three.
There are tons of exercises at the PM Processes website.
Have Fun!
After your Archiarchy WorkTalk please register Matrix Code ARCHARTA.03 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
Write A Short Story About Living In Archiarchy
Matrix Code ARCHARTA.04
Start your story line with you discovering the existence of a human culture that has emerged on Earth from a context that is beyond the comprehension limits of modern culture's intellectually oriented economic-slavery paradigm.
In your story, tell:
- How do you discover this new culture?
- What happened in the first few minutes?
- What does that do to you and your life?
- Friends?
- Work?
- Relationship intimacies?
- Fulfillment?
- What would it be like to live in Archiarchy?
- What are the buildings like?
- The food growing infrastructure?
- Transportation?
- Celebrations? Rituals? Births? Deaths?
- Love relationships?
- Organizational structure?
- How are village decisions made?
- What are the healing modalities?
- What do you learn that allows you to make the shift?
- What breaks down in you?
- What is born in you?
- How do you face these changes in your life?
- And in the end, what Stand does your main character take to make this happen now?
Publish your short story on Amazon.com and i-tunes as an e-book that anyone in the world could download for a reasonable price. Ask everyone you know to tell everyone they know that your story is available. Then register Matrix Code ARCHARTA.04 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This is worth 5 Matrix Points!
Shift Your Point Of Origin Out Of Modern Culture's Health Paradigm Into Archiarchy's Health Paradigm
Matrix Code ARCHARTA.05
Modern culture teaches you to give your authority away for your health to a system of multi-national profit-driven pharmaceutical corporations, sophisticated surgical processes, billion-dollar insurance corporations, and allopathic university-trained doctors. The premise is that you and mother nature are too stupid to manage your own health and healing.
Just because you were trained to live that way does not mean you must stay that way. You can take your Authority back for your own health and well-being. This would eventually come to you moving your Point Of Origin out of the modern culture health paradigm and into the next culture Archiarchy health paradigm. After doing this Self-Surgery of relocating your Point Of Origin, please register Matrix Code ARCHARTA.05 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. To your health!
Practice Using Torus Technology In Your Group
Matrix Code ARCHARTA.06
When you get it that you are a spaceholder and not a leader, and that group intelligence is unleashed in a circle that breathes through diverging and converging...
When you get how to use Resistance Decision Making, Poop On The Table, Frying Pan, Wok, The Purple Card, The Problem Is The Solution, and Wisdom Counsel...
You start becoming fearless in reorganizing groups into functional circles.
After you hold and navigate space for a Torus Technology meeting, please register Matrix Code ARCHARTA.06 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. Thank you.
Practice Using Conscious Feelings In Your Group
Matrix Code ARCHARTA.07
There is a difference between Feelings and Emotions.
Any group or gameworld in which you participate that does not live in the distinction between Feelings and Emotions is probably going nowhere.
You can learn this useful distinction and navigate your group into entirely new territories of intimacy and ecstasy!
After you take your Team through the thoughtware upgrade exercises so that they can experientially distinguish between Feelings and Emotions, please register Matrix Code ARCHARTA.07 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
Then consider making such thoughtware upgrade Processes, WorkTalks, Workshops, and Trainings your new profession.
Learn To Deliver Authentic Emotional Healing Processes
Matrix Code ARCHARTA.08
Once you discover the incredibly important and obvious difference between Feelings and Emotions, you will realize that almost everything anyone feels before they are begin their authentic adulthood initiatory processes are EMOTIONS.
Emotions are not a design error from Gaia. Just as FEELINGS are for handling things, EMOTIONS are for healing things.
It is intuitively powerful to learn the distinctions, thoughtmaps, procedures, and tools for delivering authentic, professional, effective, complete, and surprisingly Transformational Emotional Healing Processes (EHP).
You will learn to say, "Please make your Center, Grounding Cord, and Bubble. Thank you. Now sink into your Emotional Body. What are you feeling? Let it get bigger..." while you hold and navigate Emotional Healing Process spaces for people.
After delivering your first Emotional Healing Process that is part of the 3 Phase Healing of a physical symptom, please register Matrix Code ARCHARTA.08 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. Thank you for your courage!
Journey Into The Earth As A Transformational Healing Process
Matrix Code ARCHARTA.09
The Earth has a rich diversity of intelligences and energies that are especially effective healing agencies. After all, you are the Earth. You breathe Earth's atmosphere, drink her water, wear and eat her plants, animals (cheese, milk), and insects (honey), and return your water and molecules back to Her when you die. You are the Earth, so Earth knows what you are, and can provide you with what you need to remain or regain in health. All you need to learn is how to communicate directly with Earth's abundant resources.
Journey Into The Earth is exactly this sort of process. When you are ready, study how to Journey Into The Earth. The do it, either alone, or perhaps more effectively, at first, with a spaceholder at your side. This is not a guided meditation process. This is a free-range multi-dimensional energetic Hero's Journey. You can do this. It seems utterly wild at first, then becomes a new home, like learning where the hardware store is and how to get stuff from there when before you never knew there was such a thing.
After your first personal healing Journey Into The Earth, please register Matrix Code ARCHARTA.09 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
Commit To Escaping From The 8 Prisons As Your Transformational Healing Path
Matrix Code ARCHARTA.10
Little might you recognize that as a byproduct of being born and raised in modern culture you are held tightly in solitary confinement at the depths of eight prisons. This is no lie. It can be shocking to discover how real these shackles are, firmly restricting what is possible for you to experience and create. How does a blind person raised by blind people discover they are blind?
That is why we strongly recommend that you do this Experiment together with other Edgeworkers in one of your Teams.
(An Edgeworker is someone discovers that the paradigm you are in has edges, goes to those edges, and stays there with Attention and Intention, breathing, until something Transforms. Reading this website is rather substantial and possibly sufficient evidence to support the story that you are an Edgeworker.)
After the meeting where you and your Team dive into the consideration of being trapped at the depths of 8 Prisons, creating an escape strategy together, and writing the plan in your Beep! Book on your ESCAPE STRATEGY page, please register Matrix Code ARCHARTA.10 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. We wish you clean escapes.
Shift Into 3 Phase Healing Clarity
Matrix Code ARCHARTA.11
This Experiment is to examine your thoughtware about healing.
Thoughtware is what you use to thing with - in this case, what you use to think with about healing and being healed.
Please get out your Beep! Book and title a page MY CURRENT HEALING THOUGHTWARE. Now spend 15 minutes writing down everything you think about healing.
After that, circle the three to five most powerful concepts in your reflection notes. Write down answers to the following questions for each of these three concepts.
- Where did this idea came from?
- Who wanted you to have it?
- What does that person or institution get by having you think this about healing in this way?
Now read through the 3 Phase Healing website.
After a few hours to let the dust settle - or the next day - come back to what you wrote as MY CURRENT HEALING THOUGHTWARE and reread your notes.
Please start a new page in your Beep! Book titled: MY NEW HEALING THOUGHTWARE. Here you write whatever is relevant that starts with the words: "I changed my mind about healing. I now experiment with the idea that..." and write out the new ideas you will experiment with.
After writing down your new health and healing ideas to experiment with, please register Matrix Code ARCHART.11 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
Include Healing Your Emotional Body
Matrix Code ARCHARTA.12
You have 5 Bodies. To explore this please visit the 5 Bodies Website.
Medical Doctors treat your Physical Body ailments.
Psychologists and Psychotherapists treat your Intellectual Body ailments.
Lightworkers, Aura Readers, and Energy Workers treat your Energetic Body ailments.
Who treats your Emotional Body ailments?
The answer is your friendly local Feelings Practitioner.
Who treats your Archetypal Body ailments?
The answer is your friendly neighborhood Memetic Engineer.
This Experiment is to choose one of your ailments that has not been remedied through your healing adventures with medical doctors, psychologists, and energy workers. Take it to a Feelings Practitioner, or a Possibility Coach, or Possibility Mediator.
After your first session, please enter Matrix Code ARCHARTA.12 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
Learn To Deliver Dark Matter Therapy
Matrix Code ARCHARTA.13
Dark Matter is no secret. However, even if you read about Dark Matter in Wikipedia you will not necessarily comprehend Dark Matter.
Not being able to fully comprehend Dark Matter does not stop you from using Dark Matter in a healing modality called 'Dark Matter Therapy'.
This Experiment is to study the theory and practice of Dark Matter Therapy at the Dark Matter Therapy website, then to ask in your Teams if someone has a physical or energetic ailment on which they would be willing to allow you to practice Dark Matter Therapy.
Doing three or more sessions of Dark Matter Therapy on the same ailment during one day or over a few days is recommended.
Once you discover the ease of applying Dark Matter Therapy and its practical efficacy, you have something valuable to bring to your Archiarchy Artabana Team.
After delivering your first Dark Matter Therapy session, please register Matrix Code ARCHARTA.13 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
Connect With The Worthing Healers As Part Of Your Healing Process
Matrix Code ARCHARTA.14
Please read through the Worthing Healers website.
This Experiment is to bring the resources of the Worthing Healers to your Archiarchy Artabana Team.
Since connecting with the Worthing Healers is something each individual must do for themselves, you cannot do it for someone else. What this means is that it is crucial to show your Archiarchy Artabana members how to connect with the Worthing Healers. The suggestion is to make connecting with the Worthing Healers a standard 15 minutes part of each of your Archiarchy Artabana meetings. Then check-in with each member how it went.
After your Archiarchy Artabana group does its first Worthing Healers connection session - either online or offline - please register Matrix Code ARCHARTA.14 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. Thank you
Commit To Earn 1000 Matrix Points In StartOver.xyz
Matrix Code ARCHARTA.15
StartOver.xyz includes over 400 interlinked websites as a free-to-play massively-multiplayer online-and-onsite thoughtware-upgrade matrix-building personal-transformation adventure-game. Your StartOver.xyz journey is created step-by-step by you, jumping exactly to what you need for your next evolutionary expansion steps now.
The playing field is vast, multidimensional, and Fun.
By doing Experiments and registering at least 1000 Matrix Points in your free account at StartOver.xyz, you join the global team of Possibilitators earning 1,000,000 Matrix Points to upgrade human thoughtware for changing the status quo of the human race. You also heal yourself of so many things along the way...
If you decide to commit, then tell someone using your voice, "I commit to earning 1000 Matrix Points in the StartOver.xyz game."
After telling them, please register Matrix Code ARCHARTA.15 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. Yay for your commitment!
Participate in 3-5 Day Expand The Box Training As Part Of Your Self-Healing Initiation And Education
Matrix Code XPANDBOX.01
By now you may be ready to shift your Point Of Origin in a profound way by participating in an Expand The Box three-to-five-day transformational training space. You can find where Expand The Box trainings are being given online and onsite at this Possibility Management CALENDAR.
Completing an Expand The Box training is worth 21 Matrix Points!
To find the Matrix Codes for completing an Expand The Box training, please visit the Expand The Box website.
Completing in an Expand The Box training qualifies you to participate in Possibility Labs!
Archiarchy Artabana Groups
Anywhere in the world, a new Archiarchy Artabana Group can form... if you form it.
The procedure is straightforward.
The results are awesome.
Let us know if we can help you.
An Archiarchal future is emerging.
'Possibilitator Trainer Path' Archiarchy Artabana Group
For info on the 'Possibilitator Trainer Path' Archiarchy Artabana Group, please explore Possibilitator Training to see if it is for you. http://trainerpath.org
Next Archiarchy Artabana Group
If you truly wanted to create one, who could stop you?
An Archiarchy Artabana Group can start with three committed people contexted in Archiarchy.
NOTE: This website is a Bubble in the Bubble Map of the free-to-play, massively-multiplayer, online-and-offline, thoughtware-upgrade, matrix-building, personal-transformation, adventure-game called StartOver.xyz. It is a doorway to experiments that upgrade your thoughtware so you can relocate your point of origin and create more possibility. Your knowledge is what you think about. Your thoughtware is what you use to think with. When you change your thoughtware, you go through a liquid state as your mind reorganizes itself. Liquid states can bring up transformational feelings and emotions. By upgrading your thoughtware you build matrix to hold more consciousness and leave behind a low drama life of reactivity. No one can upgrade your thoughtware for you. More interestingly, no one can stop you from upgrading your thoughtware. Our theory is that when we collectively build 1,000,000 new Matrix Points we will change the morphogenetic field of the human race for the better. Please choose responsibly to read this website. Reading this whole website is worth 1 Matrix Point. Doing any of the experiments earns you additional Matrix Points. Please use Matrix Code ARCHARTA.00 to log your Matrix Point for reading this website on StartOver.xyz. Thank you for playing full out!
As you inspire yourself, you inspire others.
- Clinton Callahan